Friday, May 8, 2009

Why beer isn't compared to women.

You know how men compare women to cars and talk about where they got with a woman in terms of baseball. I was asked once why men never compare women to beer. Well, I thought about it and this is what would happen if men compared women to beer...

1. I like my women like I like my beer, stout and full bodied...

2. I like my women like I like my beer, pale and bitter...

3. I like my beer, strong and yielding good head...

4. ...with pretzels?

5. ...from a bar?

6. ...served cold?

7. I like to try a new beer as often as I can...

8. ...the more, the better...

9. If I have too much, it makes me sick...

10. I like my beer, frequently and of different styles.

I'll be the first to admit, we men can be awefully dense sometimes. However, every now and then we get something right. So this is why we never compare women to beer.


  1. You can have six in one night and it only costs you five bucks.

  2. You can tell beer "nice cans!" and it doesn't get upset.
